MeLite 2006, the latest programming tool from Multi Edit Software, Inc. provides exceptional power for a reduced rate. Geared towards the beginning programmer and student, MeLite gives you Intelligent Language Support with Smart Indenting, code templates, brace/construct matching, and auto commenting as you type! Also included is our language sensitive code highlighting, for any language! The function tagging feature supports, ASP, Ada, Aspect, BASIC, VB, Batch, CSS, PERL, Java, Javascript, FORTRAN, Delphi and many more. MeLite also contains the ability to add your own language support and enhanced HTML support.
With MeLite your Keyboard mappings, menus can imitate others and be fully customized. Change fonts, colors, screen layout, even toolbars from one easy interface. All dialogs are resizable.
MeLites editing features increase your programming prowess. Concurrently edit up to 2048 DOS, UNIX, and Binary files of any size with line lengths up to 16k!! Now that